Support to music creators

STIM contributes to a diverse Swedish cultural life, through scholarships and support for copyright-protected music projects.

STIM actively promotes musical diversity and copyright and contributes to a diverse Swedish cultural life through scholarships, support for music projects and funding of activities promoting copyright.

This support is carried out by an independent committee – STIM's committee for promoting Musical Diversity and Copyrights – that was established in 2017. The board decides which services Stim will finance and also the level of financial support.

This support comes in many different forms; it can be the promotion of musical diversity through, for example, scholarships, notary support or travel contributions, but also funding services such as education and copyright enforcement.

Funds are not allocated to organizations, but to so-called SKU services – services considered by the Board to fall within the framework of social, cultural and educational purposes. The services that the Board allocates funds to may be performed by STIM, or by other service providers such as the STIM associated associations FST, Skap and Musikförläggarna.


STIM's committee for promoting Musical Diversity and Copyrights

Regular members

Kerstin Brunnberg

Chairman, independent

(Mandate until 2026)

Cecilia Langemark



Jonas Forssell

Nominated by FST


Rasmus Lindvall

Nominated by Skap


Mats Bernerstedt

Nominated by Musikförläggarna



Douglas Carr



Sara Norell



Marie Samuelsson

Nominated by FST


Katarina Henryson

Nominated by Skap


Hans Desmond

Nominated by Musikförläggarna
