Terms where the initial letters of each word are in upper case shall have the meaning specified in the General Terms & Conditions .
License for Live music
STIM's license for live music is divided into thre different categories as listed below. Click on each headline to read more.
Prices for 2025
Live music with admission fee - one-day ticket
When the entrance fee paid by the visitor only applies to a one-day event, the Licensee pays a fee to STIM as outlined below. The fee can never be lower than the fee per visitor with complimentary tickets.
Entrance fee excluding VAT
License fee per sold ticket
SEK 1–670
4 precent* of entrance fee
Over SEK 671
3 percent* of entrance fee
Subsidised concerts
SEK 27,07
Minimum fee
SEK 364 per event
Free tickets
SEK 5,24
*Not less than the fee per visitor with complimentary tickets.
The fee includes use of Music in direct connection to the Live music (such as discotheque, at a dance, with a bar DJ, or as other background music).
The Licensee is to pay the fee in accordance with the range in the License confirmation or Special agreement. The License confirmation or Special agreement also stipulates whether the Licensee is to pay in advance or in arrears. If the Licensee is to pay in arrears, see special rules on Reporting in the General terms and conditions.
Reduced fees
At children’s concerts with an entrance fee of SEK 100 at most and where the majority of the visitors are under age 10, the Licensee pays 50% of the regular fee. The minimum fee is still SEK 364.
When showing live and artist performances and presentations, simulcasting, the licensee pays 50% of the fee. Minimum fee SEK 364 per event.
For events at which only a small portion of the music is protected, a reduced fee applies. See details at www.stim.se/kunder under Live music.
Subsidised concerts
The fee for subsidised concerts is only applied when all three of the following criteria are met.
The sum of the operation’s ticket revenues in a business year amounts to less than 50% of the total revenue of the operation.
The number of attendees at a concert exceeds 300.
The ticket price is at least SEK 60 excl. VAT. When tickets are sold in advance at a package price that covers multiple concerts, the average price is applied.
When there is an option for visitors to pay an entrance fee that covers multiple days, it is considered a multi-day event, and the Licensee then pays a fee to STIM as outlined below. For multi-day events, both multi-day and one-day tickets are included in the calculation basis. The fee can never be lower than the fee per visitor with complimentary tickets.
Free tickets
SEK 5,24 per visitor and day
5.5% of gross ticket revenue (excl. VAT) At least SEK 5.24 per visitor and day
2.5% of gross ticket revenue exceeding SEK 1.5m (excl. VAT)
At least SEK 5.24 per visitor and day
Minimum fee
SEK 364 per event
The fee includes use of Music in direct connection to the Live music (such bar, DJ, lounge and clubs, or as other background music).
*Multi-day ticket = Ticket to events with consecutive days
Reduced fees
At children’s concerts with an entrance fee of SEK 100 at most and where the majority of the visitors are under age 10, the Licensee pays 50% of the regular fee. The minimum fee is still SEK 364.
When showing live and artist performances and presentations, simulcasting, the licensee pays 50% of the fee. Minimum fee SEK 364 per event.
For events at which only a small portion of the music is protected, a reduced fee applies. See details at www.stim.se .
Subsidised concerts
The fee for subsidised concerts is only applied when all three of the following criteria are met.
The sum of the operation’s ticket revenues in a business year amounts to less than 50% of the total revenue of the operation.
The number of attendees at a concert exceeds 300.
The ticket price is at least SEK 60 excl. VAT. When tickets are sold in advance at a package price that covers multiple concerts, the average price is applied.
FREE LIVE MUSIC one-day or multi-day events
At live and artist performances and at church music services, the license fee is as follows:
Per visitor and day
Minimum fee
SEK 5,24
SEK 364 per event
The Licensee chooses how the fee should be calculated based on one of the following options:
By the number of visitors per programme point in which Music is used, that is, visitors who are present to listen to the music/watch the performance. In these cases, the fee does not include use of Music in direct connection to the Live music (such as bar, DJ, lounge and clubs, or as other background music).
By the total number of visitors in the area per day (whether they watched the performances or not). In these cases, the fee includes use of Music in direct connection to the Live music (such as bar, DJ, lounge and clubs, or as other background music).
Otherwise, the same terms and conditions as for Live music with an entry fee apply.
The Licensee is to pay the fee in accordance with the range in the License confirmation or Special agreement. The License confirmation or Special agreement also stipulates whether the Licensee is to pay in advance or in arrears. If the Licensee is to pay in arrears, see special rules on Reporting in the General terms and conditions.
Reduced fees
At children’s concerts with an entrance fee of SEK 100 at most and where the majority of the visitors are under age 10, the Licensee pays 50% of the regular fee. The minimum fee is still SEK 364.
When showing live and artist performances and presentations, simulcasting, the Licensee pays 50% of the fee. Minimum fee SEK 364 per event.
For events at which only a small portion of the music is protected , a reduced fee applies. See details at www.stim.se/kunder under Live music.
Prices for 2024
Live music with admission fee - one-day ticket
For public performance of Music at Live music events with an entrance fee with one-day tickets, the Licensee pays a fee to Stim as follows:
Entrance fee excluding VAT
License fee per visitor
Free tickets
SEK 5,11
SEK 1–100
SEK 5,56
SEK 101–150
SEK 7,64
SEK 151–200
SEK 10,42
SEK 201–250
SEK 10,93
SEK 251–300
SEK 11,44
SEK 301–350
SEK 11,94
SEK 351–400
SEK 12,45
SEK 401–450
SEK 12,95
SEK 451–500
SEK 13,46
SEK 501–550
SEK 13,96
SEK 551–600
SEK 14,47
SEK 601–650
SEK 14,97
SEK 651–700
SEK 15,48
Over SEK 700
2% of gross revenue (excl. VAT)
Subsidised concerts
SEK 26.38
Minimum fee
SEK 355 per event
The fee includes use of Music in direct connection to the Live music (such as discotheque, at a dance, with a bar DJ, or as other background music).
The Licensee is to pay the fee in accordance with the range in the License confirmation or Special agreement. The License confirmation or Special agreement also stipulates whether the Licensee is to pay in advance or in arrears. If the Licensee is to pay in arrears, see special rules on Reporting in the General terms and conditions.
Reduced fees
At children’s concerts with an entrance fee of SEK 100 at most and where the majority of the visitors are under age 10, the Licensee pays 50% of the regular fee. The minimum fee is still SEK 355.
When showing live and artist performances and presentations, simulcasting, the licensee pays 50% of the fee. Minimum fee SEK 355 per event.
For events at which only a small portion of the music is protected, a reduced fee applies. See details at www.stim.se/kunder under Live music.
Subsidised concerts
The fee for subsidised concerts is only applied when all three of the following criteria are met.
The sum of the operation’s ticket revenues in a business year amounts to less than 50% of the total revenue of the operation.
The number of attendees at a concert exceeds 300.
The ticket price is at least SEK 60 excl. VAT. When tickets are sold in advance at a package price that covers multiple concerts, the average price is applied.
For public performance of Music at Live events with an entrance fee with multi-day tickets,
the Licensee pays a fee to Stim in accordance with the following: Both one-day and multi-day tickets shall be included in the calculation.
Free tickets
SEK 5,11 per visitor and day
5.5% of gross ticket revenue (excl. VAT) At least SEK 5.56 per visitor and day
2.5% of gross ticket revenue exceeding SEK 1.5m (excl. VAT)
At least SEK 5.56 per visitor and day
Minimum fee
SEK 355 per event
The fee includes use of Music in direct connection to the Live music (such bar, DJ, lounge and clubs, or as other background music).
*Multi-day ticket = Ticket to events with consecutive days
Reduced fees
At children’s concerts with an entrance fee of SEK 100 at most and where the majority of the visitors are under age 10, the Licensee pays 50% of the regular fee. The minimum fee is still SEK 355.
When showing live and artist performances and presentations, simulcasting, the licensee pays 50% of the fee. Minimum fee SEK 355 per event.
For events at which only a small portion of the music is protected, a reduced fee applies. See details at www.stim.se .
Subsidised concerts
The fee for subsidised concerts is only applied when all three of the following criteria are met.
The sum of the operation’s ticket revenues in a business year amounts to less than 50% of the total revenue of the operation.
The number of attendees at a concert exceeds 300.
The ticket price is at least SEK 60 excl. VAT. When tickets are sold in advance at a package price that covers multiple concerts, the average price is applied.
FREE LIVE MUSIC one-day or multi-day events
At live and artist performances and at church music services, the license fee is as follows:
Per visitor and day
Minimum fee
SEK 5,11
SEK 355 per event
The Licensee chooses how the fee should be calculated based on one of the following options:
By the number of visitors per programme point in which Music is used, that is, visitors who are present to listen to the music/watch the performance. In these cases, the fee does not include use of Music in direct connection to the Live music (such as bar, DJ, lounge and clubs, or as other background music).
By the total number of visitors in the area per day (whether they watched the performances or not). In these cases, the fee includes use of Music in direct connection to the Live music (such as bar, DJ, lounge and clubs, or as other background music).
Otherwise, the same terms and conditions as for Live music with an entry fee apply.
The Licensee is to pay the fee in accordance with the range in the License confirmation or Special agreement. The License confirmation or Special agreement also stipulates whether the Licensee is to pay in advance or in arrears. If the Licensee is to pay in arrears, see special rules on Reporting in the General terms and conditions.
Reduced fees
At children’s concerts with an entrance fee of SEK 100 at most and where the majority of the visitors are under age 10, the Licensee pays 50% of the regular fee. The minimum fee is still SEK 355.
When showing live and artist performances and presentations, simulcasting, the Licensee pays 50% of the fee. Minimum fee SEK 355 per event.
For events at which only a small portion of the music is protected , a reduced fee applies. See details here under Live music.
Special terms and conditions
Music reporting of performed Music
The Licensee shall submit Music reporting in accordance with the rules laid out in the General terms and conditions. The obligation to submit Music reporting always applies when Music is performed by artists who do not live in Sweden and at performances of classical music (orchestral music, chamber music etc.). The Licensee is also required to submit Music reporting of Music performed by Swedish artists at the request of Stim in the cases presented below.
Popular music, jazz and folk music performed by Swedish artists are ordinarily Music-reported by the artists, their agents, or by Stim and in this case, the Licensee has no obligation to submit a further summary as long as Stim has not requested it.
Advance notice
If Stim requests, the Licensee is required to notify Stim of planned events in advance. Notification must be provided seven calendar days before the planned event and include the date, venue and city. For Live music, names of the artists who will appear must also be included.
Stim has the right to attend events for the purpose of checking that the Licensee has submitted accurate information on Reporting and Music reporting. Stim is to provide notification of attendance in advance and the Licensee is to provide two free entry tickets.
Usage of premises and responsible organizer
If a Licensee allow the use of their premises to a third party who uses Music in a way that triggers a license obligation (a so-called responsible organizer), the responsible organizer must normally sign a license and undertake the obligations that arise as a result. The Licensee shall notify STIM that the responsible organizer has used the premises and specify the date on which the usage took place. The Licensee must also inform the responsible organizer that the responsible organizer may need to sign a License with Stim and undertake the obligations that arise as a result. If the responsible organizer does not sign a license when required, the Licensee may be considered responsible for the use of Music.
Responsible coordinator refers primarily to the individual with permission according to the ordinance or permission for the sale of food or alcohol at the location. It refers secondarily to the owner of the records in which ticket sales will be reported. Independent ticket agents are not considered responsible coordinator if the majority of revenue from ticket sales will be credited to someone else. At events requiring an entrance fee, the individual responsible for financial reporting for the majority of the costs is considered Responsible coordinator.
For additional terms and conditions, see the General terms and conditions .