About our payment on February 25 We pull up the curtain to STIM’s first payment of the year, packed with streaming royalties from big platforms, exemplified by YouTube, Spotify, and TikTok.
About our payment on December 17 For more than one hundred years, we have paid royalties to songwriters and music publishers, but never before as much as this December.
About our payment on November 21 Streaming royalties are on the way! In November, we pay remuneration for TikTok, Apple Music, Facebook, Instagram, and four months of Spotify usage.
About our payment on September 17 If your music played on Viaplay, Netflix, or another video service early in 2024, there is a good chance that you receive a payment in September.
About our payment on August 22 In August, we distribute streaming royalties from the big players Spotify, TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.
About our payment on June 18 In June, we distribute royalties for music played on Netflix, HBO Max, and Disney+, to name a few of the many digital video services covered.