Questions and Answers about the New Live Price List

After many years of negotiations, Stim and Svensk Live have agreed on a new price list for live events, to be fully implemented on January 1, 2025.

Why are you changing the prices?
Stim works in the interest of its members, and the current pricing model has been unchanged since 2010. The live market has grown with rising ticket prices, which is why we have introduced a new, fairer model to allocate more revenue to songwriters and composers.

We are introducing a "flat revenue share," which means that all organizers will pay the same percentage of their revenue. Smaller organizers will pay less, while those with higher ticket revenues will bear more of the cost. This makes the new model fairer than the previous one.

When does the change take effect?
The full price change takes effect on January 1, 2025, when we fully move to a revenue share model. Tickets priced up to 670 SEK excluding VAT will pay 4 percent of the ticket price (with a minimum of 5.24 SEK per ticket), and tickets priced from 671 SEK excluding VAT will pay 3 percent. For example, if you sell a ticket for 260 SEK excluding VAT, you will pay 10.40 SEK per ticket instead of the current 11.44 SEK.


A song performed on live stages in Sweden has an average of 2.7 creators/songwriters.
You can find the full price list and specific conditions here.
