2024 distribution Schedule for STIM's sister societies

On this page we detail the distribution dates that are relevant for STIM's sister societies in 2024.

The information is updated throughout the year, so make sure to check this page regularly.

STIM's distributions in 2024

February 20

Music played on streaming services licensed by ICE Services.

March 19

Contains live music, background music, online music and international receipts.

May 21

In May we distributed royalties for music in streaming services.

June 18

Contains the fields of live music, background music, TV, radio, online music and international receipts.

August 22

Music played on streaming services licensed by ICE Services.

September 17

Contains the categories live music, background music, online music, international receipts and subsidies.

November 21

Music played on streaming services licensed by ICE Services.

December 17

Contains the fields of live music, background music, TV, radio, online music and international receipts.