Fingerprint your music to improve royalty payments

Upload your songs to BMAT and give them a unique fingerprint. It enables automatic identification when played in TV commercials.

Vericast is the tool where STIM-affiliated songwriters upload recordings of songs used in commercials. Our partner BMAT provides this tool, which supports all the usual sound formats.

Not a registered user with BMAT? Get access free of charge here.

How to upload songs

  1. Click on ”Add track” to start uploading your recording. The file may not exceed 100 mb.
  2. Fill in all the data for the song. This information will result in a match in BMAT’s service – hence, the more information you share, the better. Fill in mandatory fields and in the exact order to proceed. If you send a specific version, write this in the file name, such as live, remix, et cetera. Click “Continue” when done.
  3. Check that your information is correct and click “Finish.”
  4. You will see a summary of the ongoing song upload. If you want to add more songs, repeat the process from step one. You can upload a maximum of 30 files at the same time.
  5. Finish by clicking ”Complete the Upload.” Remember that you can not change the information once you have finished the song upload.
  6. You will now receive an email confirmation.

BMAT will analyze your files and give them their own ”fingerprint.” It increases the chances that your songs get a match when playing on commercials on the TV networks that BMAT covers